Home > Cargo Pocket Rigs
Introducing SwapRig Holsters' Newest Holsters
The CargoPack Holster
The CargoPack2 Holster

"Two Perfect Back-Up Gun Holsters"

Having trouble finding a comfortable/concealed carry in the summer when you are wearing a T-shirt and shorts?
The CargoPack and CargoPack2 is your answer!
Designed to stay upright in your cargo pocket and not flop over. The CargoPack & CargoPack2 keeps your gun oriented in the correct draw position all the time. Even when driving!
The CargoPack & CargoPack2 are completely ambidextrous, flexible, & by moving the "pinch pin" around you can find a good fit for just about any gun that will fit in a cargo pocket.
The CargoPack holster is specifically designed for cargo pocket carry. The CargoPack2 holster is designed to adjust & will adjust from 6 3/4 inches to 5 1/2 inches wide. Both holsters can be carried comfortably and securely in any cargo pocket.
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CargoPack2 Holster CargoPack Holster
The Perfect ADJUSTABLE Back-Up Gun Holster
The Perfect Back-Up Gun Holster