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CargoPack - The Perfect Summer Carry & Back-Up Gun Holster - - The Holster Built for Your Cargo Pants or Shorts
CargoPack Holster
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Our Price: $34.75

Availability:: Usually ships in 7 to 10 business days
Product Code: CPH

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The CargoPack Holster
The Perfect Summer Carry & Back-Up Gun Holster

For 5.11 Brand Cargo Pants
Please Order The CargoPack2 Holster

If you need your back-up gun,
would you rather reach for your ankle or your cargo pocket?
(Please see the holster REVIEWS at the bottom of the page!)

Proudly Made in the USA
  • Specifically designed for the cargo pocket in pants or shorts
  • Wide Design keeps the gun upright in the pocket
  • Gun won't flop over in pocket
  • Keeps gun in draw position even when seated in the car
  • Totaly ambidextrous
  • Movable "pinch pin" to adjust multiple gun fit & retention
  • Will holster any auto or revolver that fits in a cargo pocket

    The Perfect Back-Up Gun Holster
The problem with traditional pocket holsters when carried in cargo pockets is that they don't fit securely. So they tend to flop over in the pocket and that makes the firearm impossible to draw if needed.
The CargoPack holster is designed to fit properly in the cargo pocket and is wide enough to stay upright in the pocket so your pistol is kept in "draw position" whether you are sitting or standing or even while you are driving it will not flop over.

The CargoPack is 6 3/4 inches wide and will fit most cargo pockets.
The CargoPack holster will adjust to any firearm that fits into a cargo pocket. By positioning the "pinch" screw you can adapt the CargoPack holster to any size pistol, including semi-autos, revolvers and even derringers.
The CargoPack holster can be carried right hand or left hand with no modification.
Made In The USA

Average Rating: Average Rating: 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 3 Write a review »

  1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 The CargoPack Holster July 2, 2022
Reviewer: Evan from Where its hot.  
I have been carrying a Ruger LCP for years in my cargo shorts that I wear every day. It was never is the correct position. I was constantly moving it in the correct position only to have it spin. I put the CargoPack Holster in my pocket with the LCP in it and didn't think I would like it.
About 10 minutes later I forgot it was there. Reached in the pocket and the LCP was standing there ready to be drawn. It fit perfect. Nice!

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  1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Pennies on the Dollar September 4, 2016
Reviewer: Amos from The Republic of Texas  
Lets  start from the beginning. When I received the package and opened it, I could tell they shipped it with care. Everything was wrapped up and taped nice and crisp. Small details like that show a lot about a company. The holster itself is excellent. Right now it's home to my CZ Rami (double stacked 9mm) and the fit is perfect. I can also fit several of my other sub compact pistols in it by adjusting the 'pinch screw'. It also came with an extra long paddle for extra wide pockets.  My particular setup doesn't work in a couple pairs of my cargos bc my pockets aren't deep enough, so I use it in my front pocket instead. And it actually keeps my gun in the same vertical position. My only advise is don't let the picture fool you. You need to choose the color b/c the one shown on the page is not the default color. Anyways, I can live w/this beige color, but the brown/mahogany color would have been the icing on the cake! Guess there's always next time.

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  1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 An excellent holster November 18, 2014
Reviewer: Mark from Pennsylvania  
The Cargo Pack Holster was the perfect solution at the perfect time.  I began wearing cargo pants and was looking for a way to carry a concealed weapon.  I read in several places about the Swap Rig Cargo Pack.  I ordered one, and soon I was unpacking a beautiful piece of leather that was wrapped as if it were a Christmas present.  Swap Rig really cares about its products and its customers.  It was already adjusted from the box for a small pistol, such as the Kel Tec P32.  It has many adjustments, however, for other guns with different shapes.
The holster fits most of my cargo pants, and I have no complaints at all about quality.  It is an excellent holster.

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